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As a creative I strive to embody activism in all my work. I believe in using my strengths to build and create community through collaboration. I strive to be involved in projects that are not only accessible but promote inclusivity of all cultures, creeds, communities and demographics. Please enjoy some of my most recent projects that I have collaborated with other artists, community members, non profit organizations and culture bearers from this past year. 

SAFEhouse Arts

I am very excited to collaborate with SAFEhouse Arts as the Interim Director of Programs. SAFEhouse (Saving Arts from Extinction) Arts is an artist’s cooperative with a special focus on contemporary dance and provides creative space for a diverse range of Bay Area artists through residencies, events, skill-building and leadership. Our work is dedicated to promoting arts education and building a vibrant and inclusive San Francisco arts community. Click the Image Below to find out more about SAFEhouse Arts!

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ODC Space Residency Initiative

ODC has announced the inaugural cohort of its Queer and BIPOC Space Residency Initiative. With the aim of supporting Bay Area artists to ignite new  momentum in their movement practices and careers, ODC partnered with the Sam Mazza Foundation to offer 30 hours of free studio space to emerging dance artists who identify as  Black, Indigenous, people of color and/or LGBTQ+. Six artists were selected: Lauren Davis, Janesta Edmonds, Jesse Escalante, Johnny Huy Nguyen, SNJV and tashi tamate weiss.... Click on the Image Below to read the full article!

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18th Annual San Francisco Trolley Dances

This year I had the opportunity to help produce Epiphany Dance Theater's 18th Annual Trolley Dances. A FREE site based dance tour highlighting San Francisco’s Castro district and the East Cut. I worked extensively on the production team during the live showcase over the course of three days as well as assisting in the film production process this year. Please click the image below to view the full film!


Red Maps 

This was a collaborative group project funded by #oldproproject through OldProInc. It involves taking maps of major cities and creating both a digital and interactive experience with physical walking tours that bring attention to locations that are important in sex worker history specifically in San Francisco, California and Chicago, Illinois. This project sought to map out places in which long stigmatized workers have long existed, exploring communities and networks informed by erotic laborers. This map includes old strolls, cribs, clinics , places of communities, cites of marches and uprisings with additional archival material and present day recollections. Please click the image below to view the map!



I performed the main character role in "Pariah" a film/operetta/ book written and produced by Freya Cellista, a noise/ alternative cellist local to the Bay Area. The performance follows the story of Pariah a magical being who goes on a harrowing journey through a dark forest after being exiled from her home. Please click the image below to view the full film!

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